Pushing curriculum reform

For the past two academic years, EFI has supported its partner in Georgia, the Georgian Economic Literacy Initiative, to design and deliver an introductory economics course for 10th and 11th grade students at one of the country’s top high schools, Komarovi. The course follows the structure of “Common Sense Economics” and was the catalyst for the development of EFI’s Teacher Toolkit. The Toolkit contains slide decks, instructor notes and assignment suggestions so that teachers can with ease introduce economics into their classrooms. We are delighted that Komarovi was among 300 schools who took part in the Economics Olympiad this year; 15% of the 230 students advancing to the national round were from the school.
The course has been taught by economics master’s graduates from the International School
of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET), trained and supported by GELi. Two cohorts
totaling 500 students have now completed the course which is mandatory. Thanks to GELi’s
capacity development, Komarovi teachers will be teaching the course themselves from the
23/24 school year, allowing GELi resources to be redirected in support of other schools.
GELi is currently advising the government on developing a national economics curriculum. It
is EFI and GELi’s ambition that economics should become a standard and mandatory
element of learning in secondary schools.
Want to find out more about what the Georgian Economic Literacy Initiative is doing to
improve understanding of basic economic and financial principles in Georgia? Pay a visit to
GELi’s partner area!